Faculty of Management and Transport
University of Bielsko-Biala
Faculty of Management
AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Computer Science and Management
Wroclaw University of Technology
in cooperation with:
Department of Marketing and Logistics,
Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine)
Faculty of Economics and Management,
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Belarus)
Faculty of Economics and Management,
National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Faculty of Economics and Management,
Sumy State University (Ukraine)
Szczyrk, June 23-25, 2016 Poland
Deadline for submitting the paper: March 10, 2015
The aim of 9th conference is presentation of research results and exchange of experiences of management in enterprises and organizations. The topic of conference includes methodic conceptions and practical solutions directed on growth of efficiency of management systems and process.
Papers and discussions will be held in plenary section including the following areas:
- the marketing aspects of shaping of the value by enterprises in the process of functioning on the market (monograph in English),
- the management problems in the time of information society (monograph in English),
- innovation, university-business cooperation, NIS/RIS,
- conditions and methodological aspects of development of the organization,
- management and production engineering.
prof. Ryszard Barcik — Rector of University of Bielsko-Biala
prof. Bogdan Nogalski — President of the Committee of Organization and Management of the Polish Academy of Sciences
prof. Wiesław Waszkielewicz — AGH University of Science and Technology
- prof. W. Waszkielewicz — Chairman (AGH Univerity of Science and Technology)
- prof. Z. Malara — Chairman(Wrocław University of Technology)
- prof. K. Żyminkowska — Vice-chairman (University of Bielsko-Biala)
- prof. B. Tarczydło — Vice-chairman (AGH University of Science and Technology)
- prof. M. Arkhipowa, Russian Academy of Science, Russia
- prof. A. Barcik, Katowice School of Economics, Poland
- prof. K. Brzozowski, University of Bielsko-Biała, Poland
- prof. R. Budzik, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland
- prof. L. Bukowski, University of Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland
- prof. J. Czekaj, Krakow School of Economics, Poland
- prof. T. A. Dubrova, Moscow State University of Economics Statistics and Informatics, Russia
- prof. J. T. Duda, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
- prof. M. Esenin, Moscow State University of Economics Statistics and Informatics, Russia
- prof. Maria Fic, Wrocław University of Technology, Poland
- prof. Dolores Gallardo-Vázquez, University of Extremadura, Spain
- prof. I. Hejduk, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
- prof. S. Iliashenko, Sumy State University, Ukraine
- prof. N. Iwaszczuk, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
- prof. M. Karpicka, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Belarus
- prof. D. Kisperska-Moroń, University of Ekonomics in Katowice, Poland
- prof. J. Kitowski, Rzeszow University, Poland
- prof. Janusz Klisiński, University of Bielsko-Biała, Poland
- prof. K. Kovalchuk, National Metalurgical Academy of Ukraine
- prof. D. Kozenkov, National Metalurgical Academy of Ukraine
- prof. A. Kozina, Krakow School of Economics, Poland
- prof. Y. Krykavskyy, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
- prof. M. Kudełko, AGH Univerity of Science and Technology, Poland
- prof. Lumir Kulhanek, Wrocław University of Technology, Poland, VŠB – TU, Ostrava, Czech Republic
- prof. O. Kuzmin, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
- prof. T. Lis, Silesian University of Technology, Poland
- prof. P. Łebkowski, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
- prof. A. Maczyński, University of Bielsko-Biała, Poland
- prof. Kapka Manasieva, Varna Free University, Bulgaria
- prof. M. Del Mar Miralles-Quirósm, University of Extremadura, Spain
- prof. B. Mičeta, University of Žilina, Slovakia
- prof. C. Muñoz-Rodríguez, University of Extremadura, Spain
- prof. F. Nemec, Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic
- prof. K. Nowacki, Silesian University of Technology, Poland
- prof. M. Nowicka-Skowron, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland
- prof. Z. Olesiński, Akademia Finansów, Warszawa
- prof. S. Ohrimenco, Academy of Economic Studies, Moldova
- prof. A. Peszko, Katowice School of Economics, Poland
- prof. A. Petrov, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
- prof. L. Petryshyn, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland, Prycarpathian National University, Ukraina
- prof. O. Prokopenko, Sumy State University, Ukraine
- prof. V. Shkvir, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
- prof. K. Shishmanov, D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria
- Prof. V. Sirotin, State University-Higher School of Economics, Russia
- prof. M. I. Sánchez-Hernández, University of Extremadura, Spain
- prof. Savon Diana Y., NUST «MISiS», Russia
- prof. J. Staszewska, Opole University of Technology, Poland
- prof. Z, Szalbierz, Wrocław University of Technology, Poland
- prof. A. Szymonik, Lodz University of Technology, Poland
- prof. A. Zagorodniy, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
- Honorata Howaniec, Ph.D. — Chairman
- Irena Dudzik-Lewicka, Ph.D.— Vice-chairman
- Marek Dudek, Ph.D.— Vice-chairman
- Aneta Madyda, Ph.D.— Sekretary
- Grzegorz Biesok, Ph.D.
- Aldona Dereń, Ph.D.
- Ewa Lipianin-Zontek, Ph.D.
- Radosłąw Ryńca, Ph.D.
- Irena Szewczyk, Ph.D.
- Jolanta Wyród-Wróbel, Ph.D.
- Zbigniew Zontek, Ph.D.
Department of Management
Faculty of Management and Transport
University of Bielsko-Biala
Laboratory of Production Engineering and Marketing
Department of Operations Research and Information Technology
Faculty of Management
AGH University of Science and Technology
Department of Infrastructure of Management
Faculty of Computer Science and Management
Wroclaw University of Technology
Conference office:
Department of Management
Faculty of Management and Transport
University of Bielsko-Biala
Ul. Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biala
Tel: (033) 8279243 Fax: (033) 8279207
E-mail: zp@ubb.edu.pl
University of Bielsko-Biala
Faculty of Management and Transport
Department of Management
Ul. Willowa 2
43-309 Bielsko-Biala
e-mail: zp@ubb.edu.pl
Tel.: +48 33 8279 231
fax: +48 33 8279 207
„ZAGROŃ” A sports and tourist center, Wrzosowa 21, Szczyrk, Poland
Located on the slope of massive mountain of Klimczok on the way to Szczyrk Bila.
Link to map
February 28, 2016
March 10, 2016
Deadline for submitting the application
Deadline for submitting the paper
Conference fee: 275 EUR incl. VAT per participant should be paid by bank transfer till May 10, 2016.
Conference fee:
1150,- (incl. VAT) |
275 EUR (incl. VAT) |
Account |
02 1240 4142 1111 0000 4827 8261 |
Please specify conference WPZP with name of participant |
Bank: Bank Pekao S.A., Poland
Account owner: Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna, ul. Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Polska
Conference fee includes: accommodation in double rooms, meals (2x lunch, 2x dinner) and conference proceedings.
If You only want to publish the cost is 500 PLN (125 EUR).
Possibility surcharge for a single room – 100 PLN (25 EUR).
In case of not publishing the paper (for example because of not meeting the deadlines, not meeting the prescribed formatting etc.) or not participating at the conference, the conference fee will not be refunded.
The official language of the conference: Polish, English
Publication output:
Proceedings of full papers (complete texts) with assigned ISBN will be published in printed form before the conference and every participant will receive them at the registration desk.
We kindly ask participants to write their contributions by MS Word text editor using our template for article.
Size of the contribution is about 8 pages (20.000 marks)
We would like to inform you that contributions which do not fulfill the requested criteria will not be included in the conference materials because of the technical processing of the conference materials.
The deadline for uploading the registration form is 28th of February 2016.
Conference materials will be published in printed form.
Please send the articles to the mail: zp@ath.bielsko.pl (deadline 10. III. 2016)
Address of registration: zp@ath.bielsko.pl